Tuesday, December 25, 2012

it should be posted on 22nd of Dec, my bad :|

Posted by heyqiyu at 3:28:00 AM
Happy Mother's Day!

It's a special day, 22nd of December. Everyone knows how special women are, so this is it "A Celebration"! ;)
So women, whatever you are: a mother, a daughter, a sister, a niece, a cousin, even a baby. You are all a-mother-gonna-be, and I just wanna say: Happy Mother's Day to all Indonesian women and all women in the entire world! Thanks for trying your best to keep us safe and become more than just 'anyone'. Keep fighting, great women! ;)
Love you *kiss*

PS: Apology for a late post. This should be posted on 22nd of Dec, hehe.. My bad, so sorry Moms *wink*



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